福斯ECOCUT 3016LE低油雾磨削油 切削油 金属加工油
Ecocut 3000 LE Series
Neat cutting oils for multipurpose application,订购:18118756129 chlorine-free, antimist plus LE Technology
The Ecocut 3000 LE series of products are designed as multipurpose oils for cutting operations with the bonus of being rationalization products for hydraulic订购:18118756129 systems or spindle oil applications. All Ecocut 3000 LE oils are formulated to help keep hydraulic systems clean. The optimized heat transfer properties permit higher feed and cutting speeds. The abbreviation LE means "low evaporation" and stands for excellent antimist properties and low evaporation during use. Such oils contribute toward reducing environmental and workshop pollution.
Benefits of using Ecocut 3000 LE Series
Low evaporation technology
Outstanding antimist properties
Chlorine- and zinc-free EP additives
Good detergent and dispersing qualities
Enhanced tool life
Excellent corrosion protection
Good cooling and lubrication
Application: 订购:18118756129
Recommended for central systems and individually-filled machines. Can be used on all belt type filter systems for machine tools. Use as supplied.
Typical Physical & Chemical Characteristics
ECOCUT 祥润通商贸提供 | 型号请联系: 18118756129 | 型号请联系: 18118756129 | 型号请联系: 18118756129 | 型号请联系: 18118756129 | ||
Hydraulic oil type | HM 10 | HM 22 | HM 32 | HM 46 | ISO 6743-4 | |
Properties | Unit | Value | Value | Value | Value | Norm Test |
Density at 15 °C | Kg/l | 0.855 | 0.861 | 0.855 | 0.864 | ASTM D 1298 |
Colour | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.5 | ASTM D 1500 | |
Viscosity at 20 °C | mm²/s | 22 | 54 | 77 | 130 | ASTM D 445 |
Viscosity at 40 °C | mm²/s | 11 | 21 | 31 | 46 | ASTM D 445 |
Flash point COC | °C | 160 | 210 | 220 | 230 | ASTM D 92 |
Copper corrosion / 3 h - 20 °C | degree of corr. | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | ASTM D 130 |
Copper corrosion / 24 h - 20 °C | degree of corr. | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | ASTM D 130 |
Copper corrosion / 3 h - 50 °C | degree of corr. | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | ASTM D 130 |
Copper corrosion / 24 h - 50 °C | degree of corr. | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | 1 a | ASTM D 130 |
Copper corrosion / 3 h - 100 °C | degree of corr. | 1 b | 1 b | 1 b | 1 b | ASTM D 130 |
Copper corrosion / 24 h - 100 °C | degree of corr. | 1 b | 1 b | 1 b | 1 b | ASTM D 130 |
Oil mist index | 3 | 2 | 1.5 | 1.5 | FLP* | |
Evaporation loss | % | 47 | 20 | 9 | 7 | DIN 51 581-1 |
FLP* = FUCHS Laboratory Procedure