Castrol Iloform BWN 320
Chlorine free neat forming oil
Castrol Iloform™ BWN 320 is a medium viscosity, chlorine and heavy metal free drawing oil. It is specifically
developed for drawing medium sized aluminium wire, and for breakdown operations on aluminium rod. It is a
blend of high performance boundary lubricants and anti wear additives, in a fully solvent refined paraffinic mineral
Iloform BWN 320 is specially formulated for use in submerged multi –die, or spray multi – die wire drawing
machines for drawing of medium to rod size aluminium and aluminium alloy wires.
Iloform BWN 320 is also suitable for medium duty forming applications such as deep drawing, blanking and
piercing operations on aluminium and yellow metals.
Formulated on solvent refined mineral oil. Does not contain hazardous aromatic constituents, chlorine
containing additives or heavy metals such as Barium. Reduces disposal costs.
Contains high performance lubricity and anti wear additives. Maximises die life and provides excellent
surface finish. Minimises costs associated with die repolishing.
Excellent detergency. Removes metallic fines and particles from dies, eliminating defects associated with
particulates. Improved surface finish, reducing scrap and rework costs.
Low viscosity. Maximises flushing effect on dies to aid removal of particulates. Reduces drag out rate,
hence reduces product consumption.
• Low odour. Excellent operator acceptance.
• Low residues facilitate the annealing of aluminium wire without degreasing
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2.请客户在签收前检查货物是否破损、渗漏,凡发货运期间有小小渗漏请谅解。 |
3.若签收前物件渗漏严重,请及时与本公司的工作人员进行联系,我们会及时的为您解决。 |
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品牌 | 美孚润滑油 | 壳牌润滑油 | 嘉实多、BP | 福斯润滑油 | 克鲁勃润滑油 |
1 | 液压油 | 液压油 | 液压油 | 齿轮油 | 齿轮油 |
2 | 齿轮油 | 齿轮油 | 齿轮油 | 切削油 | 润滑脂 |
3 | 润滑脂 | 润滑脂 | 切削液 | 润滑脂 | 链条油 |